
Get Started

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How to Start – Best Practices


Alpha Best Practices

The Alpha seven best practices are key elements that will set you on the path to a successful Alpha. These elements are: prayer, evangelistic positioning, team training, hospitality, Alpha talks, open discussion, and the Alpha weekend away. 

Start Praying

One of the unique elements of Alpha is its consistent focus on prayer. Have a prayer team that prays for the guests daily during the entire Alpha experience. If we don’t enlist God, our efforts will not bear fruit. This is a movement of the Spirit that we get to be a part of.


Recruit a Team

Whether you are running Alpha for a few friends or looking to open it up to your entire community, Alpha is always better when you share the leadership with others. Recruiting others who have a gift of hospitality and a desire to invite others to explore faith.

Introducing Alpha’s Digital Platform

MyAlpha is an online platform and free resource where Alpha is delivered. There you’ll find all the tools, support and everything you need to run Alpha in your context including the Alpha talks, Alpha training, promotional materials and series materials.

Available on MyAlpha

Train the Team

Once you have recruited a team, it’s time to get them up to speed with how to run Alpha. They can attend a training online or in person, or you can utilize our team training video which is a great resource for the small group hosts and helpers on your team.

Promote at Your Church

Alpha has created lots of great promotional materials to help you spread the word. Letting others at your church know about Alpha is a great way to help create a space for everyone to invite others to come and explore faith. Consider sharing stories before Alpha starts.

Invite Guests

As you are training your team, encourage them to be praying for others and inviting others to Alpha. A genuine, personal invitation to Alpha is the best. We’ve made it easy with resources in MyAlpha to use “as is” or to customize for your setting. 

Run Alpha handbook

Run Alpha Handbook: Your Complete Guide

We’ve compiled all the best tips, tricks, and guidelines for you in one complete guide. Access a digital version of the Run Alpha Handbook for free:

7 Best Practices Why Alpha
Big Picture
7 Practices Overview
1 Prayer
2 Evangelistic
3 Team Training
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Running Alpha at The Elevation Church has enabled us as a church to engage seekers and young believers in discussions that deepen their understanding of the basic tenets of our Christian faith – thereby helping them to gain stability, and in turn deepening our faith as a church family.

Pastor Godman Akinlabi,
Lead Pastor, Elevation Church, Nigeria

Alpha has been absolute gold in being evangelistic. I’ve found in my own experience, it’s so much easier to speak to someone and to invite them to Alpha, just like I was. I’m a huge supporter, lover and ambassador of Alpha; it completely changed everything about my life, it has been part of my ministry and will continue to be.

Simon Chittenden,
Pastor, GodFirst Jozi East, South Africa

Alpha aims to help people to either discover or rediscover the meaning and joy of the Christian message. Alpha is an invaluable tool for evangelization.

Alfred Martins,
Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Nigeria
Alfred Martins

One thing that truly impacted me about Alpha is its simplicity that creates an atmosphere where there is no intimidation and people feel very comfortable. I believe Alpha is African because it involves eating together which is African and that Alpha has the power to bridge the gap before evangelism happens.

Apostle Julius Suubi,
Founder Highway of Holiness Ministries and Senior Pastor Exploits Worship Centre,Kenya

Alpha online is important to us because it brings the gospel to where people are. We realized that the harvest is online yet the harvesters are offline.

Rev. Patrick Kuchio,
Christ is the Answer Ministries, Kenya

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